The Benefits Of Seeing A Urogynecologist

If you are a woman who suffers from urinary incontinence or frequent urination, you should see a urogynecologist. It doesn’t mean giving up a trusted gynecologist you already see. Rather, the goal is to seek the advice of a specialist who focuses on female bladder issues.

What Is A Urogynecologist?

Whereas a gynecologist is the primary source for a woman’s general reproductive health, a urogynecologist specializes in female bladder conditions such as urinary incontinence, urinary frequency and the dropped bladder.

Furthermore, a urogynecologist is a trained gynecologist who has gone through further training to specialize in female pelvic medicine. This extra training makes a urogynecologist a specialist in pelvic floor disorders such as incontinence, overactive bladder, and pelvic prolapse.

When it comes to general female wellness, general gynecologists are the best source. Similarly, urogynecologists are valuable when treating disorders of the bladder and pelvic floor.

Benefits Of Seeing A Urogynecologist

If you have pelvic floor disorders, your best choice of care is a urogynecologist. The pelvic floor is a set of muscles, ligaments in the pelvis which support female organs like the bladder, uterus, vagina. Problems can develop when the muscles and ligaments become weak due to childbirth. As a result, the uterus, bladder or the rectum can drop down leading to prolapse.

Common causes of pelvic prolapse include the following:

  • Childbirth
  • Strenuous activity
  • Repetitive heavy lifting
  • Tobacco use
  • Genetics or family history

Conditions that are frequently treated by a Urogynecologist:



This is loss of bladder or bowel control and leakage of urine or feces.


Prolapse is when pelvic organs drop down because of weak support. This can occur with the uterus, bladder, vagina or rectum.


Most women with pelvic disorders experience pain in the pelvis, lower back, and the bladder.

Overactive Bladder

Symptoms include needing to pee frequently, urgency, and bladder pressure.

Furthermore, a urogynecologist can also perform procedures to correct vaginal mesh complications.

In conclusion, if you have any pelvic floor disorders that need treatment, contact Dr. Ghomi by calling (862) 657-3150 to schedule an appointment at his urogynecology office in North Jersey today!