What Happens When Someone Holds Their Pee for Too Long?

Certain professions are stars at holding their pee. They practice it daily, like teachers, truck drivers, and first responders. In fact, they are proud of their ability to resist heading to the bathroom until the very last minute. They may brag about their superpowers, but somebody should tell them it can cause some serious medical issues. What happens when someone holds their pee for too long?

Complications From Holding Your Pee for Too Long

Our bodily functions work their best when we cooperate with them. When we oppose what they naturally want to do, troubles can arise. Your bladder fills to a certain point, and then it wishes to release its contents. We feel it, and know it is time “to go.” If we ignore it, there will be consequences.

It HurtsWoman pain with hands holding her crotch standing on white background

If we wait too long, it will be painful when we finally do go.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

If you regularly hold your pee, you will find yourself dealing with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Bacteria can grow if you wait too long to urinate. The results will be a burning sensation when you pee, your abdomen will hurt, you will continue to feel like you still have to pee, it will smell and be cloudy, and you may end up with dark or bloody urine. 

Contact Dr. Ghomi if you are experiencing a urinary tract infection. 

Pelvic Muscle Damage

Your pelvic muscles become more important as you get older or have children. One of those muscles is the sphincter which controls the release of urine. If your sphincter does not function as it should, the result can be incontinence. You will lose control!

Kidney Stones

These tiny but very painful stones can develop if you are someone who holds their pee for too long. 

Bladder Stretching

Well that doesn’t sound good. This is a consequence of not listening to mother nature and your bladder giving you instructions. If this happens, it will be almost impossible for you to pee naturally and you may eventually need a catheter.

A Bladder Rupture

This is rare, but if it happens, you can develop sepsis (a blood infection) or kidney failure.

Don’t Ignore The Urge: Tips to Develop Better Habits 

By now, you should have come to the conclusion that holding your pee for too long is not advantageous to your health.

Your urge to urinate depends on your age, how much liquid you have consumed, what kind of liquids, like coffee, and your bladder size. 

If you are a teacher or someone who is familiar with holding your pee, here are some tips to help you develop more healthy bathroom habits. 

  • Don’t hold your pee if you can help it.
  • Plan on regular bathroom breaks. Every 3 or 4 hours, plan to urinate. 
  • Go to the bathroom the minute the urge happens.
  • Start your morning by peeing.

Urinary Health Specialist in Totowa, NJ

Contact Dr. Ghomi at (862) 657-3150 if you are experiencing any of the consequences of holding your pee for too long, or you are looking for additional ways to break the habit.


Is it safe to hold pee? 5 possible complications

Your Urinary Health: What You Should Know | Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Definition & Facts of Urinary Retention – NIDDK
